Hi, guys. I hope you're doing well. Then, hopefully you are still healthy and long life. Now, the whole world occurs Coronavirus (Covid-19) plague especially my homeland, Indonesia. The beginning of the Covid-19 when two Indonesian people met a Japanese person in Jakarta, Indonesia. After that, two Indonesian people were spread the Covid-19 by a Japanese person. Evidently, a Japanese people was colored read from the X-ray temperature measurement in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Therefore, Covid-19 victims in Indonesia have increased until 1.528 victims since two weeks ago.
But, there is a good news that the total of the Covid-19 positive victims have decreased from March 29th to 31st, 2020 according to https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4960800/kasus-baru-positif-corona-di-indonesia-turun-di-3-hari-terakhir due to the social distancing policy from President of The Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo. Although the Covid-19 victims have decreased, we must keep our body clean. If you go out from home, don't forget to wear a mask and keep your social distance. Stay Safe and Happy St. Patrick's Day although St. Patrick's Day had done on March 17th, 2020 due to the Covid-19 plague. Never give up!
I was wearing:
- T-Shirt by Bershka
- Overall Jeans by Way
- Shoes by Nokha
- Hat: No Brand
Location: Floating Market, Lembang, West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Date: June 17th, 2019
Connect with Me:
- Instagram: instagram.com/arielguslandi1
- Twitter: twitter.com/guslandi_ariel
- Pinterest: pinterest.com/arielguslandi1
- Contact me at arielguslandi@gmail.com
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