Happy Holiday

        On saturday, I went to Bedugul and Gitgit by car for 2-3 hours from Denpasar City. Until there, I visited to Gitgit waterfall. The air is very cold and fresh because the location of Bedugul and Gitgit in the mountain and there are many trees and plants which still preserved. The plantations of famous in Bedugul and Gitgit are strawberries, vegetables, coffee, cocoa, ferns or pakis and spices (cinnamon, clove, pepper, etc).
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - Hy, all. Do you like chocolate? Chocolate is from cocoa plant. This is cocoa plant. There are many cocoa plants in Bedugul village, Bali, Indonesia. The Cocoa plant can grow in tropical climate. ------------- Hai, semuanya. Suka coklat gak? Coklat berasal dari tanaman kakao. Ada banyak tanaman kakao di Desa Bedugul, Bali, Indonesia. Tanaman caco bisa tumbuh di iklim tropis.
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - This is pakis or ferns. This is acident plant. This plant can grow on soil and rock/stone. #Plant #green #pakis #ferns #nature #follow #followforfollow #followme #gofollow #instanusantara #Indonesia
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - Wow, there are many clove plants in Gitgit Village, Singaraja Regency, Province of Bali, Indonesia. The height can reach 12 m. This plant can grow in tropical climate. This plants can be used for spices and traditional medicine. ----------- Wow, ada banyak tanaman cengkeh di Desa Gitgit, Kabupaten Singaraja, Provinsi Bali, Indonesia. Tingginya bisa mencapai 12 m. Tanaman ini bisa tumbuh di iklim tropis. Tanaman ini bisa digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur dan obat tradisional. #Plant #green #plantation #clove #spice #instanusantara #followme #gofollow #followforfollow #follow #Indonesia
          From these 3 photos, That plants can grow in torpical climate, humid air and fertile land. The Clove can be used for spices and traditional medicine. The cocoa can be used for snack and drink. Then, pakis is ancient plant. Wow, Indonesia is rich the nature environment. This is waterfall, river and tropical forest: 
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - Gitgit waterfall :)
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - My family 
My Family
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - With my beloved grandma 
Me (Ariel) and My Beloved Grandma
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - Tropical forest in Bedugul, Province of Bali, Indonesia. We have to preserve and take care the nature environment so that our earth is protected from air pollution. ----------- Hutan tropis di Bedugul, Provinsi Bali, Indonesia. Kita harus melestarikan dan merawat lingkungan alam supaya bumi kita terlindung dari polusi udara. #Plant #forest #tropical #flora #green #natural #beautiful #graceful #amazing #follow #followme #gofollow #followforfollow #instanusantara #Indonesia
    Tropical Forest          
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - OMG, it's so amazing and graceful the waterfall. This is one of the famous tourist attraction in Bali. This is gitgit waterfall, Singaraja regency, province of Bali, Indonesia.
Gitgit Waterfall
           OMG, it's so amazing and graceful the waterfall. And also, the tropical forest is very green. We should preserve and take care the nature environment so that our earth protected from air pollution. Wow, that's very awesome the nature environment for me and I love Indonesia. After I traveled to Gitgit waterfall, I went to Bedugul Traditional Market. In there, I bought strawberries, passion fruit, bananas and vegetables. This is Bedugul Traditional Market: 
Instagram media by arielguslandi1 - The situation in Indonesian traditional market or "Bedugul market", Bedugul Village, Bali, Indonesia. It's simple and we must be happiness :)
Bedugul Traditional Market
 "It is simple, but we must be happiness."
          After I traveled to Bedugul and Gitgit, I have many experiences. I'm very happy and this experiences will never forget because the adventure is so cool.
Ariel Guslandi
Ariel Guslandi

Ariel Guslandi
Ariel Guslandi

Ariel Guslandi
 - Jeans by Bershka
- Shirt by Polo or Ralph Lauren
- Bag by Fila
- Sunglasses : no brand
"Thank you"

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- Contact me at arielguslandi@gmail.com


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